Aqui ta su corre para que no se sienta
Batman azul 220
Batman batiseñal 500
Darkness 450
Nightcrawler 250
Goblin ramos 100
Sabretooth ultimate 220
Sabretooth FO 220
Toad custom 100 o gratis en la compra de 4 o más figuras.
Wolvie negro con sentinel 300
Wolvie panto verde 100
Ahora la extensisima lista del buen Luis, a quien pueden contactar aqui:
Las Fotos del buen Luis, ps las vieron la semana pasada...o antepasada, y ps a lo mucho se ve que necesitan un trapaso, pero no mas :P
Figura | Costo | descripción |
Marvel select captain america | $600 | Base, casco y bandera |
War machine ironman series | $400 | Manos, cañon misiles |
Marvel legends warmachine ultímate | $250 | |
Marvel legends warmachine galactus | $450 | Completo |
Marvel legends ultímate ironman | $350 | |
Marvel legends ironman hasbro 2 pack | $400 | Complete |
Ironman concepts ironpatriot | $250 | Sin escudo |
Marvel legends ironman hulkbuster | $800 | Complete |
Marvel legends ironman serie 1 | $350 | Complete con base |
Marvel legends ironman silver centurión | $450 | completo |
Ironman series ironman | $200 | Casco y pecho removibles |
Marvel legends ironman 1st apariencia | $300 | Complete |
Marvel legends ironman face off | $400 | Complete |
Marvel legends ironman modern | $400 | Complete |
Marvel legends loki | $300 | Complete |
Marvel legends hulk verde galactus | $300 | |
Marvel legends captain america brood | $300 | Escudo custom Redondo |
Marvel legends thor serie 3 | $350 | Complete |
Marvel legends mini antman y wasp con hormigas | $350 | Completes |
Marvel legends maestro hulk | $600 | Capa original strange, martillo custom de thor, escudo roto de captain, casco de juggernaut, mascaras base de silver surfer derrotado |
Marvel legends abomination | $270 | |
Marvel legends absorbing man | $220 | Bola con cadena custom |
Hulk series mecha hulk | $800 | Con gremlin completo |
Marvel legends skaar | $250 | Completo |
Marvel legends savage surfer | $380 | Completo |
Marvel legends savage hulk gris | $300 | |
Marvel legends savage she hulk | $300 | |
Marvel legends she hulk | $150 | |
Marvel legends she hulk uniforme fantastic | $200 | Custom |
Marvel legends wendigo | $500 | |
Marvel legends planet hulk | $500 | Incluye espada custom |
Marvel legends hulk face off | $500 | |
Marvel legends hulk 1st verde | $300 | |
Marvel legends red hulk baf | $1200 | |
Marvel legends doc samson | $250 | |
Marvel legends modok baf | $500 | |
Marvel legends AIM soldier | $250 | Custom |
Marvel legends leader face off | $220 | |
Marvel legends leader variante | $180 | Viene con un brazo pegado |
Marvel legends bruce banner | $300 | Serie hulk |
Marvel legends hand ninja negro | $250 | Custom 2 espadas |
Marvel legends hand ninja blanco | $300 | 2 espadas |
Marvel legends hand ninja rojo | $330 | 2 espadas y 1 chaco |
Marvel legends daredevil rojo nemesis | $300 | Chacos |
Marvel legends Elektra | $200 | Sais, cabeza intercambiable |
Marvel legends skrull hasbro | $350 | Brazo intecambiable |
Marvel select skrull | $200 | |
Marvel legends Elektra skrull | $200 | sais |
Marvel universo giant skrull | $700 | |
Marvel legends maria hill | $350 | Rifle |
Marvel legends Sharon carter | $350 | Rifle |
Marvel legends dum dum dugan | $400 | Cuchillo pistol y rifle |
Marvel legends Nick fury | $300 | Gabardine pistol y base |
Marvel legends Winter soldier estrella americana | $350 | Pistol, rifle solo con cabeza pelo corto |
Marvel legends black widow 2 pack hasbro | $500 | Pistol y cabeza de pelo largo |
Marvel legends deathlok | $250 | Arma |
Marvel legends captain marvel | $200 | |
Marvel legends captain marvel variante | $250 | |
Marvel legends soldado kree | $350 | Arma cabeza azul y normal |
Marvel legends brood queen | $400 | Completa |
Marvel select 2 brood soldiers | $450 | |
Marvel legends wolverine apocalypse | $350 | |
Marvel legends iron fist | $300 | 2 flamas |
Marvel legends ronin variante | $300 | Cabeza de Clint 2 espadas |
Marvel legends dr strange | $300 | Capa |
Marvel legends black spider serie red hulk | $350 | |
Marvel legends luke cage custom | $250 | Hecho de un savage dragon |
Marvel legends falcon classic | $200 | Con halcón |
Marvel legends falcon modern | $350 | Con halcón |
Marvel legends sentry amarillo barba | $350 | Base |
Marvel legends black panther | $400 | |
Marvel legends wonderman | $250 | Base y yellow jacket |
Marvel legends wonderman variante | $350 | Base y yellow jacket |
Marvel legends hercules | $250 | Mazo |
Marvel legends yellow jacket | $250 | |
Marvel universo yellow jacket | $170 | |
Marvel legends scarlet witch | $250 | Base |
Marvel legends Young avengers | $750 | Bases |
Marvel legends quicksilver | $200 | |
Marvel legends quicksilver variante | $250 | |
Marvel legends black knight | $180 | Escudo y espada |
Marvel legends visión serie 7 | $300 | Base |
Marvel legends luke cage | $200 | |
Marvel legends spiderwoman | $380 | |
Marvel legends spiderwoman variante | $400 | Tiene un brazo pegado |
Marvel legends wasp roja | $400 | Base |
Marvel legends bestia serie 4 | $200 | |
Marvel legends warbird | $400 | |
Marvel legends tigra | $300 | |
Marvel legends hawkeye | $700 | Complete |
Spiderman series spiderman punch | $180 | |
Marvel legends antman | $400 | Complete |
Marvel legends goliath rojo | $450 | |
Marvel universo goliath rojo | $700 | |
Marvel universo mini antman con hormiga | $150 | venia con yellow jacket |
Marvel legends nova | $350 | |
Marvel legends cap america face off | $500 | |
Marvel legends punisher urban | $300 | Base gabardine y armas |
Marvel legends thor serie giantman | $600 | Complete |
Marvel legends moon knight | $300 | Chacos y bo y 2 lunas boomerang |
Spiderman classics venom sting | $250 | |
Spiderman classics venom mandibula | $250 | |
Spiderman classics iron spider | $200 | |
Spiderman origins ironspider | $300 | |
Spiderman origins spiderman 2099 | $300 | |
Spiderman classics misterio | $200 | |
Spiderman classics tarantula | $200 | |
Spiderman classics kraven | $200 | Machete |
Marvel legends venom sinester six | $250 | |
Marvel legends black cat | $250 | |
Spiderman classics elektro | $250 | |
Spiderman classics sandman | $350 | |
Marvel legends scarlet spider | $250 | |
Spiderman classics scarlet spider | $500 | Chamarra |
Spiderman classics shocker | $300 | |
Spiderman classics scorpion | $350 | Aguijon |
Spiderman classics jj jameson | $150 | |
Spiderman classics spiderman armadura | $250 | |
Spiderman classics manspider | $300 | |
Spiderman classics hobgoblin | $300 | Deslizador de goblin toybiz |
Marvel legends spiderman 1st | $300 | |
Marvel legends hydroman | $250 | Piernas y chorro de agua |
Marvel legends green goblin onslaught | $250 | Deslizador de sinester six |
Marvel legends green goblin variante | $320 | |
Marvel legends dr ock | $350 | Base |
Marvel legends carnage | $300 | |
Marvel legends vulture fearsome foes | $500 | |
Marvel legends lizard fearsome foes | $350 | |
Marvel legends rhino fearsome foes | $500 | |
Marvel classics spiderman damage | $250 | Base de lizard |
Marvel legends red skull face off | $300 | Espada |
Marvel legends baron strucker | $350 | |
Marvel legends baron zemo | $200 | |
Marvel legends human torch sin 4 | $250 | Base |
Marvel legends hydra soldier | $180 c/u | Tengo 5 arma |
Marvel legends hydra soldier variante | $250 | Sin arma |
Marvel legends bucky | $180 | Escudo repro captain |
Marvel legends namor serie 3 | $300 | Tridente y cinturon |
Marvel legends cap 2 pack ultímate | $300 | Escudo cabezas, metralleta y pistol con casco |
Marvel legends kingpin | $350 | Baston |
Marvel legends taskmaster | $350 | Completo |
Marvel legends mandarin | $300 | |
Marvel legends onslaught completo | $500 | |
Ironman series titanium man | $250 | Primero que salió con arma |
Marvel legends bullseye variante | $200 | |
Marvel legends moleman | $450 | |
Marvel legends Winter soldier estrella roja | $400 | Pistola, cabezas y rifle |
Marvel legends sabretooth face off | $200 | |
Marvel legends kang | $350 | |
Marvel legends dr doom | $250 | |
Marvel legends doombot | $200 | Cabeza y mascara custom |
Marvel legends dr doom roñan | $200 | Loose sin accesorios |
Marvel legends dr doom rnan | $350 | Mascara pistol y capa complete |
Marvel legends jigsaw | $350 | Pistola y rifle |
Avengers ultron | $250 | |
Spiderman classics morbiius | $300 | Loose |
Marvel legends blade completo | $400 | Moto y accesorios y gabardina |
Marvel legends zombie | $250 | |
Marvel legends frankestein | $250 | |
Marvel legends dracula | $300 | |
Marvel legends manthing | $250 | Base con pulgar custom |
Marvel legends wasp negra con amarillo | $250 | |
Marvel legends Nick fury ultímate | $300 | Complete |
Marvel legends cap america ultímate | $450 | Complete |
Marvel legends centinela con wild centinela | $1800 | |
Marvel legends logan riders con kitty pride de select con base | $350 | |
Marvel legends bishop completo | $350 | |
Marvel legends nemesis baf | $700 | Complete |
Marvel legends sunfire | $450 | |
Marvel legends sabretooth AOA | $250 | |
Marvel legends wolverine variante AOA | $250 | |
Marvel legends annihilus baf | $500 | Complete |
Marvel select thanos | $600 | Muerte, mascara y guante |
Marvel legends adam strange | $300 | |
Marvel legends black bolt | $300 | |
Marvel legends silver surfer V | $350 | Table y howard the duck |
Marvel select watcher uatu | $600 | Base |
Marvel legends phonix VI | $300 | Base |
Marvel legends beta ray bill | $350 | Martillo |
Marvel legends thor lord of asgard | $350 | Martillo |
Marvel legends galactus baf | $900 | Complete |
Marvel legends vengeance | $350 | Moto |
Marvel legends ghost rider serie 3 | $400 | Moto y cadena |
Marvel legends johhny blaze custom | $150 | Cadena cabeza de magneto pelo negro custom |
Marvel legends black heart | $300 | |
Marvel select mephisto | $600 | Trono de mentiras |
Marvel legends ghost rider serie 7 | $400 | Moto |
Marvel legends Elektra serie 4 | $250 | Complete |
Marvel legends punisher serie 4 | $250 | Complete |
Marvel legends juggernaut movie | $200 | Casco |
Marvel legends daredevil amarillo nemesis | $300 | Chacos |
Marvel legends daredevil serie 3 | $200 | Chacos |
Marvel legends wolverine 1st apariencia | $200 | |
Marvel legends daredevil face off variante | $220 | Chacos |
Marvel select punisher | $200 | Con base |
Marvel legends emma frost variante | $250 | |
Marvel legends wolverine amarillo red hulk | $350 | |
Marvel legends warpath negro | $500 | |
Marvel legends domino | $350 | Dos pistolas |
Marvel legends beast bata y lentes | $300 | |
Marvel legends colossus | $350 | Base sentinel |
Marvel legends sasquathc | $300 | |
Marvel legends guardian | $350 | |
Marvel legends danger | $100 | |
Marvel legends storm blanca con base | $300 | |
Marvel legends cyclops stan lee | $300 | Cabeza custom con rayo optico |
Marvel legends bishop | $350 | Completo |
Marvel legends rogue | $350 | |
Marvel legends psylocke | $150 | |
Marvel legends morph custom | $200 | Cuerpo de wolverine 2 pack cabeza custom y chamarra |
Marvel legends cable | $350 | Completo |
Marvel legends deadpool VI | $800 | Completo con doop |
Marvel legends deadpool 2 pack rojo | $600 | Complete |
Marvel legends black queen | $350 | Latigo |
Marvel legends wolverine unmasked | $200 | |
Marvel legends profesor x | $250 | Silla y cerebro |
Marvel legends cyclops sentinel | $250 | |
Marvel legends marvel girl 2 pack | $300 | |
Marvel legends marvel girl brood queen | $140 | |
Marvel legends marvel girl variante | $300 | |
Marvel legends gambit | $350 | Base cartas y baston |
Marvel legends jean gray serie onslaught | $300 | Serie onslaught prelegends misma escala |
Marvel legends angel | $300 | |
Marvel legends angel variante | $350 | |
Marvel legends weapon x | $350 | Complete |
Marvel legends iceman | $300 | Tiene la cadera pegada con base |
Marvel legends havoc | $350 | |
Marvel legends logan con chamarra negra | $350 | |
Marvel legends brown wolverine | $350 | Base |
Marvel legends captain Britain | $300 | |
Marvel legends cannon ball | $350 | |
Marvel legends forge | $220 | Arma |
Marvel legends banshee | $160 | |
Marvel legends longshot | $160 | |
Xmen classics iceman | $400 | Base deslizable |
Marvel legends xorn | $200 | casco |
Marvel legends beast nemesis | $250 | |
Marvel legends kitty pryde | $350 | Con dragon |
Marvel legends emma frost | $200 | |
Marvel legends Cyclops brood queen | $200 | |
Marvel select cloak and dagger | $500 | |
Xmen classics avalanche | $600 | Base |
Xmen classics archangel | $400 | Alas con armas |
Marvel legends Apocalypse baf | $900 | |
Marvel legends apocalypse serie 7 | $600 | Base |
Marvel legends mojo baf | $500 | |
Marvel legends spiral | $500 | Complete |
Marvel legends blob | $600 | |
Marvel legends mr sinester | $350 | |
Marvel legends sabretooth | $250 | Base |
Marvel legends pyro | $180 | |
Marvel legends omega red | $300 | |
Marvel legends toad serie 1 | $600 | Base |
Marvel legends lady death strike | $150 | |
Marvel legends mystique | $230 | |
Marvel legends magneto boxset | $250 | Casco |
Marvel legends juggernaut | $800 | Casco y base |
Marvel legends us agent custom | $250 | Escuco repro |
Marvel legends mr fantastic 2 pack | $250 | Brazos estirados y base de la serie V |
Marvel legends human torch 2 pack | $350 | |
Marvel legends invisible woman 2 pack | $380 | Base de serie V |
Marvel legends herbie y franklin Richards | $250 | Base de serie V |
Marvel legends human torch ares | $250 | |
Marvel legends thing serie 2 | $250 | Base de pared |
Marvel legends mr fantastic ronan | $400 | |
Fantastic four invisible woman chase | $300 | Con base invisible de campo de fuerza |
Marvel legends fing fang foom baf | $1800 | Complete |
Marvel masterworks moleman vs fantastic four | $600 | |
Marvel masterworks galactus vs everyone | $600 |
Como pueden ver tiene algunos precios buenos, otros decentes y otros pues la verdad pa' mi que estaba fumando algo cuando hizo la lista :D, pero bueno, en una de esas si le compran más de 1 su corazoncito se apiadara y si le compran más de 10 en una de esas hasta un skrull me regalará ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
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